Saturday, May 31, 2008

The mission call and the sick babies

Today I was going to introduce the second cast member but I have two unrelated topics to discuss before I do.

First of all, Steven, Kara's brother received his mission call to the Santiago, Chile, North mission. We had a big shindig at the Wagner's home. Jeanine Wagner is Steven's "friend" and he spends most of his time there. Also they have enough room at their place to accommodate everyone.

Everyone had three guesses of where Steven's call would take him. Here's the list:

Steven talking to one of his older brothers on the phone prior to opening the letter.

Opening the letter.

Initial reading.

Further reading.

Appropriately we had chile after the main event. :)

So that was the good news. Unfortunately, we have sick babies now. Katy got started getting sick Thursday night and hasn't improved yet. Jack got sick last night and now I'm not feeling well. We haven't been getting much sleep. :(

The sick baby.

Mommy and the sick babies.

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Cast list: Katy!

I've decided to introduce you, dear reader (singular for a reason), to the people you will hear most about on this blog. The last will be first.

Katy Isabelle Hymas. Here is one of the most recent photos of her. She's just over 6 months old and it seems her favorite activity is eating because she can't go for more than 3 hours without food... even at night. She also loves her binki and her mommy and she is quite good at sitting. Katy recently discovered she has feet and loves to play with them. Having been born with very little hair she has now decided it would be a good idea to grow a bit more. She's also decided to grow a few teeth. We're very proud of her decision to do this because we feel it is important to eat solid foods and want our children to do this. You can see more photos of Katy here (along with photos of other Hymas's) and here's a video of her from about a month ago.

Neato story from WWII

I stumbled upon this just now and thought it was really cool. Check it out.

Friday, May 23, 2008


Having been inspired by Nollie Haws' blog, I've decided to start my own. She is a prolific poster (relatively speaking) and if I can do half as well I'll be satisfied. So... here goes. The goal is to post about our fam and the things we are doing and are interested in. So my first post will be about quiche. I made one just this morning as I was setting up this blog. It was a little different than what I usually make. I used turkey sausage and some french-onion-flavored laughing cow cheese. I also put in some rosemary which I rarely use in anything. It was delicious... actually it still is. There's still 4 pieces left. :) Here are a few photos of my delicious creation:

I'm feeling a bit peckish right now... time to whittle it down to 3 pieces... or maybe 2.