Saturday, May 31, 2008

The mission call and the sick babies

Today I was going to introduce the second cast member but I have two unrelated topics to discuss before I do.

First of all, Steven, Kara's brother received his mission call to the Santiago, Chile, North mission. We had a big shindig at the Wagner's home. Jeanine Wagner is Steven's "friend" and he spends most of his time there. Also they have enough room at their place to accommodate everyone.

Everyone had three guesses of where Steven's call would take him. Here's the list:

Steven talking to one of his older brothers on the phone prior to opening the letter.

Opening the letter.

Initial reading.

Further reading.

Appropriately we had chile after the main event. :)

So that was the good news. Unfortunately, we have sick babies now. Katy got started getting sick Thursday night and hasn't improved yet. Jack got sick last night and now I'm not feeling well. We haven't been getting much sleep. :(

The sick baby.

Mommy and the sick babies.

1 comment:

Nancy said...

Yeah Stephen! How's he doing in the MTC?